Adventures in Minecraft Electronic Kit for Raspberry Pi
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This is an electronic kit for the Raspberry Pi that complements the book Adventures in Minecraft by David Whale and Martin O'Hanlon.
Kit Contents
- Breadboard
- T-Cobbler
- 7-Segment LED display
- 5mm yellow LED
- 5mm green LED
- 5mm red LED
- 4 x push button
- Jumper wires bundle
- 12 x 330R resistor
- 4 x 10k resistor
Please select Raspberry Pi model you have from the options at the bottom of this webpage.
When you select B+ model you will receive an extra 40 to 26 way downgrade cable.

Here's your ticket to a world of adventures with Minecraft and programming.
Learn how to extend Minecraft and create a new gaming experience, by exploring the magical world of Minecraft programming. Adventures in Minecraft, like other books in the highly successful Adventures series, is written especially for 11- to 15-year-olds. With this book you will learn new programming skills while having fun with Minecraft!
Minecraft programming experts David Whale and Martin O'Hanlon walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know to:
Get started writing Minecraft programs in Python on your PC, Mac, or Raspberry Pi
Build houses and other structures in the blink of an eye, and make a 3D duplicating machine
Write interactive games like a field that charges you rent, and a treasure hunt using magic vanishing bridges
Build custom game control panels using simple electronic circuits
Easily build huge 2D and 3D structures such as spheres and pyramids
Build intelligent objects like a massive Minecraft clock, and program an alien invasion
Plan and write a complete interactive arena game
Using the programming skills you learn from this book, writing Minecraft programs offers endless possibilities to create anything you can imagine.
To make your journey that much easier, the Adventures in Minecraft companion website supplies you with a video for each adventure in the book, downloadable code files, helpful programming reference tables, a bonus adventure, and badges to collect for your Minecraft accomplishments.
By day, David Whale and Martin O'Hanlon are software engineers who design computer products. By night, they play Minecraft and develop exciting new programs that interact with the Minecraft world. They both work regularly with young people in schools, computing clubs and at community events, giving talks about Minecraft programming and running programming workshops.